Some thoughts on teen rebellion
Feeling a bit "homesick" I spent entirely too much time watching old German rock songs on YouTube last night. I came across an old one by Die Ärzte that I hadn't heard before, Rebell (Rebel). It is an interesting cry of a generation, with the first line perfectly expressing the rebellion we see in many youth today. German punk is interesting, much different than the English punk I used to listen to. (Am I revealing too much about my taste in music?) See what you think, but it has always come across as rather tame to me.

My translation, while you are listening:
I am against it, because you are for it.
I am against it, I am not like you.
I am against it, it doesn't matter what it's about.
I am against it, because you understand nothing of it.
I am against it, I'll say it once again.
I am against it, why doesn't even matter.
I am against it, even if it doesn't suit your tastes.

I call it freedom; you call it lack of respect.
Please understand my behavior as a sign of the rejection with which I oppose you.
Please understand my behavior as a sign of the rejection with which I oppose you.

I am not an idiot, even if you like to act as such.
I am not lazy, I simply am not interested.
I am not ugly, I just look different than you.
You have lost, you just refuse to accept it.
I am not deaf, you don't need to scream so.
I am not blind, I just don't agree.
I am not mute, I am just holding my tongue.

What should I say? I have no reason.
Please understand my behavior as a sign of the rejection with which I oppose you.
Please understand my behavior as a sign of the rejection with which I oppose you.
And while you are at it,
Then view my appearance as a symbol of the non-identification with your values.

No one (no one), No one (no one), No one (no one) has the right to tell me what to do, to do.
Really no one (no one) simply no one (no one) that is solely my free decision.

I am not poor, I have what I want.
I am not envious of you or your money.
Welcome to my world.
I am quite calm, why are y0u so upset?
When you flip and beat me yet again
You prove your own shortcomings.

I pity you, the rage, it makes you blind.
You have lost, I am no longer your child.

No one (no one), No one (no one), No one (no one) has the right to tell me what to do, to do.
Really no one (no one) simply no one (no one) that is solely my free decision (separation) as well as opinion (opinion), or clothing (clothing) and the internal and external appearance.
We have here the perfect expression of rebellion. It is the open resistance to authority, but is more reactionary than anything. When those in authority abuse their power, those subject to the authority become likely to rebel.

Such rebellion is not based on any values or principles of its own, but is wholly reactionary. I am against it because you are for it, it cries.

As the song progresses, it reveals the source of the rejection not only of parental values but of any relationship whatsoever: an over-controlling parent. It is not surprising. While working on the article Declaring His Power to the Next Generation (linked in sidebar), I found it interesting that homeschoolers who had "lost" their children to the world frequently blamed not expressing enough love in the home as the cause (24%). What a humbling admission of parental weakness. And what a powerful reminder of Colossians 3:21:
Fathers, do not exasperate your children, that they may not lose heart.
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