A carnival and a giveaway!
This week's carnival of homeschooling is helping you through the back to school madness as you take advantage of some last minute sales on school supplies. And who doesn't like school supplies?

And free laminating? What can I laminate? Well, you know where I'll be on Thursdays until September 13!

Now for the giveaway! My Two Boys is offering a total of five Signing Time products over the next five weeks! We all know what a benefit learning sign language is, right? Check out her post and see what you need to do. I fulfilled the requirements right here in this very post, so it is not so hard. If you do not have a blog, you get to play pretend and tell her what you want with a fictional unlimited budget. Not so hard, right? If you are like me, you spend a fictional unlimited budget every year this time as you drool over catalogs. Hopefully, you don't order all that stuff, though. I just throw all the pretty brochures away after I'm done.

Has anyone made any great changes for this upcoming school year? We jumped back in without any planning, so we are a little more structured. Funny how that works. The more I plan, the less like school our day looks. I am trying to teach my daughter to take more responsibility, so her morning chore chart now includes one subject area. Right now, that just means filling out two pages of a spelling workbook I bought her to give her extra practice. Later, that will expand to really study some things on her own so she can make her own discoveries.

Update: My daughter is doing well with taking on more responsibility, especially when it comes to cooking. She got up first this morning and made pancakes. Instead of three teaspoons of salt, however, she used three tablespoons. I hope my reaction at that first bite did not discourage her too much!