Mother's Day Reflection
My mom is a neverending song in my heart of comfort, happiness and being. I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune.

~Graycie Harmon

When I look into my newborn's eyes, hold her tiny foot or feel her steady breathing against my chest as she sleeps, I am overwhelmed by this miracle. Overwhelmed with love. And then, sometimes, there is a thoughtful pause. There is someone in this world who once looked at me and felt the same way.

I don't always think that much about my mother. It isn't exactly lack of appreciation, but a general focus on my own motherhood. But the tune is always there, reflected in my own thoughts and attitudes about life, marriage, family and myself. She is part of who I am.

And no matter what kind of mother I am, I will always be a part of my children. I hope it is a part which gives strength and encouragement, faith and love. Even when they aren't thinking about me. Kind of like my mother is for me.

Happy Mother's Day!

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