Do you think this preciously perfect little spine looks like it belongs to an Ashley, Meaghan or Laura?

Or perhaps this angelic little face with her balled up little fists would prefer something taken directly from scripture. Perhaps Lydia, Esther or Rebecca?

Maybe this precious little foot would prefer something a little more exotic, and a little more in keeping with the naming of her excited siblings?

At the doctor's office today, all three jumped up and down for pure joy upon finding out we were expecting a girl (number three of four for us). My oldest daughter wants a little sister. My three year old son must like his sisters because he has reminded me continually that he wants this to be another sister. And the baby will jump for joy at any provocation. She still looks at me with very concerned eyes when I tell her there is a baby in my tummy. She has investigated, and must surely think I'm a little off my rocker.

So far, our children have unique but not unheard of names. One is a Native American word. One is a common Dutch name. One is a sweet little Swedish name. Together with their middle names, they mean: "friend from above", "crowned warrior" and "beginning of the narrow path."

Any suggestions for number four? We can't seem to find any good first name/middle name combinations. With or without a name, she is looking at an April 19th arrival.

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