Gonzo Education Carnival

I'll be hosting the Gonzo Education Carnival right here at Principled Discovery as part of the Gonzo Blog Carnival Series' double feature to be released May 21. Anything education related is welcome, whether that is your personal experience, an "Aha!" moment you would like to share, criticism, praise, a lesson plan, a link...I'm sure most of my regular readers won't have any difficulty thinking of something to write about.

Simple rules:
1. You can submit one post per blog; however many blogs you have.
2. If you have more than one blog, you'll need to use a different post from each one. No repeats.
3. Only English language posts will be accepted.

Pick out a postyou've posted and email it to: gottsegnet(at)yahoo(dot)com (also available through my profile) in the following format:

...Your name as you want it to appear in the post
...The Title of your blog
...Your blog URL
...The Name of the post
...The URL of the post

You can submit your post now. The deadline will be 11:59 PM on Saturday May 19th....actually, the 20th is fine. I'll be working on this tonight and will welcome submissions until I'm finished.
Thank you! And certainly feel free to let your readers know as well!

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