Virtual Zoo
The internet is such an amazing place to experience the world. Take this video, for instance. It is from a rarely seen frilled shark, seen this week off the coast of Japan. The odd looking creature normally lives 2,000 feet beneath the sea. This one wasn't doing well and died shortly after being discovered. It isn't likely you'll ever have the chance to see one again.

From there, we had to visit the newborn rhino at the Thureringer Zoopark in Erfurt, Germany. The birth was supposed to be transmitted live via the internet, but nature proved faster than technology. There were some problems to begin with. Temba didn't nurse her young at first. That seems to be resolved for now, but the little one now has a sore on its leg that may be infected. A name? That will be decided by the community as they send in suggestions.

The adorable babies in this in this little Chinese preschool are also looking for names. Eleven panda cubs born in China's largest research center wrestle and tumble on their playground equipment. Who's the naughtiest? The sleepiest? What about that little tyke trying to wrestle his larger friend off the swing? Pi Shu is the only fitting name I know, but I doubt that would win any creativity contests. I forgot what it means, but it is an old word for panda. A wonderful children's book, nonetheless.

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