A bit of remodeling
Hammering. Drilling. Sawing. Our house is undergoing some major modifications. Technically, our house is all of 700 square feet. We also have a sort of sun room that is 210 square feet that we use as a playroom. Last week, we got new windows so the heat stays pretty steady up there, making the room usable year round. My parents came up to help with more remodeling.

This weekend, we are extending duct work, putting in a new ceiling and painting.

Later, we will be re-flooring and putting in cabinets under the windows.

Then, we will be putting up a bed out there with a curtain around it and the girls will have their own, very nice, bedroom.

This is where the bed will go with a curtain around it. We will be installing a small reading light over the bed. You can't see the ceiling very well, but it is basically plywood painted white. If you look at the pillow sham hung over the rocking chair, you will see the colors for the room. The walls will be painted that yellow, and the curtains will have that lavender. The floor may as well, but we haven't decided what kind of floor to put in. That may be a project for next month.

This is the east wall/corner. A shelf will go around the room, under all the windows. This will be a nice workspace for the kids, especially for artwork, play dough and studying our birds. Under the shelves will be box units. Some will be drawers, some boxes, etc. This will be for storage. The shelf will be strong enough to hold someone sitting on them.

We are redoing the ceiling, as well. I'll take a picture when it is done. I'm so excited!

So is my daughter. We got her a quilt and pillow sham (same colors as above) and she says it is her favorite birthday present ever.

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