A Carnival of Carnivals
Come one, Come all. It's a carnival of my own!

If you need a smile for today and a little perspective on this adventure of parenting, check out the Carnival of Kid Comedy over at inashoe. Surely you have a funny of your own to submit to the next one!

And did I mention the Carnival of Homeschooling? I can't remember, but Beverly has done a fabulous job. Then you can hop over to Why Homeschooling and see about how to submit your very own entry!

Children's literature is wonderful. I read more children's books than I do adult books. And here's a secret: it's not just because I have kids. Yes, my three year old insists I read Franklin to him a gazillion times per day. But I have a selection of children's books I enjoy reading again and again, with or without my children. Here's what others have to say on the topic.

And even if we are homeschoolers, education is an important topic to our nation. One of the most important in my opinion. So check out week 63 of the Education Carnival and take a peek at a variety of views on education.

Need some challenging inspiration and maybe a doctrinal debate just for the fun of it? Check out the Carnival of Christianity over at Attention Span.

A sense of humor is always appreciated in events of the day. Here's Dr. Sanity's answer.

Most of us have pets, I trust. Did you know there was a carnival just for Fido?

There's a carnival for just about everything these days. English language teaching, liberty, knitting, and even one for cockroaches. Interesting...that one seems to have fizzled out, though. I'd consider the one on attention deficit disorder, but I might get distracted before finishing. One last one, just for fun...from someone who loves both coffee and tea.

If you have any interest at all and would like to read other blogs on the topic, check out this site. A pretty thorough listing of all the carnivals out there. And if you can't find it, register your own. If you blog it, they will come.

Happy blogging!

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