Link roundup
First off, for those of you who have been checking my blog about our Australian history study, I thank you for your patience. And I have finally updated it with the next chapter of Australia's history: the convicts. The accompanying video is excellent, but worth pre-screening.

We have been taking advantage of the frequent traveling to and from Colorado to learn a bit about that aspect of American history, but since everyone, including my husband, is back in Lincoln, we are back to our original plans. But you might enjoy a few pictures of our birding hike near Georgetown, CO. We are taking another field trip today, so should have those posted over the weekend.

Next to being recognized at number 18 on a list of popular parent bloggers, I received the much coveted spot at number 10 on MyBlogLog Sunday over at (can I say that on a family friendly blog?) It was really a great honor to have happened to have been one of the last ten visitors to have visited the site while happening to have been logged into MyBlogLog in order to receive this valuable award. (Don't let my description dissuade you from following the link. It isn't offensive in the least.)

And what was I doing there, you might ask? Why looking for the prestigious review they did of my blog some time ago, right before my computer crashed. I remembered it suddenly and went looking for it. It was really a very lengthy process to be considered. And I was so lucky to have been chosen. See, I stumbled across this, emailed Ed with the answers to the questions, then he posted them on his blog. Is that not the most luckiest thing that could ever happen to me?

Now this is funny. I just noticed that my blogfriend Renae over at Life Nurturing Education was at number nine. Why? Presumably to go read that review because I had just emailed her the link. Small world.

Also, for those who have not yet attended, the Carnival of Homeschooling is up.

As is the Carnival of Satire, where you can find out how to be an unhappy homeschooler all over again.

And Principled Discovery should be moving soon. Yeehaw! I just threw that in to see how many of you were still reading.