In honor of the US Constitution
The study, The Coming Crisis in Citizenship by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, revealed what many of us already knew: American college students are learning frightfully little about America's heritage. In fact, in some institutions, seniors know less than incoming freshman about our heritage. Without an understanding of the rights and responsibilities which go along with our liberty, it is difficult to defend it. As George W. Curtis said in a speech delivered in 1877,
While good men sit at home, not knowing that there is anything to be done, nor caring to know; cultivating a feeling that politics are tiresome and dirty, and politicians vulgar bullies and bravoes; half persuaded that a republic is the contemptible rule of a mob, and secretly longing for a splendid an vigorous despotism--then remember it is not a government mastered by ignorance, it is a government betrayed by intelligence; it is not the victory of the slums, it is the surrender of the schools; it is not that bad men are brave, but that good men are infidels and cowards. The Public Duty of Educated Men
But we have nothing to fear from that because in Public Law 108-447, the 108th Congress declared,
Each educational institution that receives Federal funds for a fiscal year shall hold an educational program on the United States Constitution on September 17 of such year for the students served by the education institution.
Ironically, there are only two institutions I know of that do not accept Federal funds, both of which place a heavy emphasis on the US Constitution (Hillsdale and Patrick Henry).

One day devoted to the document which established and preserves preserves our liberty. I'm sure that is sufficient to educate the next generation for liberty.

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