School is starting back soon, are you as prepared as D.C.?
Reason to homeschool number 45: Even I couldn't mess things up this badly:
After saying this week that 50 percent of D.C. schools might not have all of their required textbooks when classes start August 27, Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D) and schools Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee acknowledged yesterday that they could not pinpoint the extent of the problem.
Only half the schools will have their required materials? What was that the National Association of Elementary School Principals said against homeschooling? Ah, here it is, at number three, homeschooling might:
3. Deny students the full range of curriculum experiences and materials.
Our books are sitting neatly on the shelf. We even tracked them along their routes from wherever to here. Materials are rarely a serious issue for the homeschooler. Material overload, maybe. Do you know how many blogs I've read this week where the author was literally drooling over the expected arrivals?

And the district does not even know why? The problem appears to be at the school level with not enough trained staff to manage textbook ordering. When I need a book, I can hop on Amazon, compare some prices and order it. A school needs trained personnel to wade through the paperwork.

D.C. schools have a history of this sort of thing. And this, in turn, has contributed to the problem as well.
Nathan Saunders, vice president of the Washington Teachers' Union, said there is such mistrust among employees of the central office that teachers often keep books rather than turn them in at the end of the year, which throws off the tracking process.
The teachers seem to be on to something. You cannot trust central office. After all, they have pallet after pallet of shrink wrapped text books sitting in a warehouse and cannot figure out where to send them. Perhaps some local control would help? Like leaving them in the schools where they were last used?

Central office cannot even figure out why they do not know where the books go. They have to wait for an audit. And outside consultants. These outside consultants are worth their weight in gold:
Schools also received a new ordering form this week, as recommended by consultants, to make replacement orders.
Such sage advice. I wonder how much that cost the district?

Somehow, I doubt there will be much outcry when little Johnny does not have a textbook when school starts back. These problems only occur where incompetence is tolerated. And incompetence is tolerated because of, well, the slave mentality.