My teenagers' homework ate their free time
Last week, Jay Matthews, in his Extra Credit column for the Washington Post, defended the practice of assigning homework. I'm not against homework (we homeschoolers do a lot of it). And I could go into all of the positive benefits of some time spent each day on homework outside of class. But how much is too much? Is it, as Mr. Matthews asks, when it cuts into TV time? I have not yet read the books in question, but surely their only attack against homework is not based on a child's "need" to watch television?

The response to the column was interesting to read. Julie Wharton responds,
"Why should mounds of homework be the strategy for keeping children engaged productively all their waking hours? I'm dying for my secondary-aged sons to have enough free time that I can say to them, 'No you can't watch TV right now. Come with me on a walk or play your drums or...'
Indeed. There are productive activities outside of school, and the time-management of children should be under parental control, not the state's. But Matthews doesn't like his "self-aware" audience. And he doesn't think children can develop a taste for learning.
Unlike Ms. Wharton, I don't believe it is possible to inspire a joy in learning in the majority of American teenagers. Some will go in that direction, but most will stampede out and not do much of anything unless you corral them for a couple of hours each day and make sure they read and do whatever school requires.
Perhaps he has had too little exposure to teenagers who were not raised in the testing and homework culture he is supporting to realize there is another way.

Time also has an interesting article on the subject. And I agree. If so many parents are dismayed, stressed and upset with their schools, why aren't they taking action? I know schools are under heavy pressure under No Child Left Behind, but local school boards are also under pressure from voters. Which would be the parents.