Some light holiday reading
I find the theme of this carnival intriguing. If you feel that there is something amiss in the celebrations of the season, check out the Carnival of Hijacked Holidays, IV, the Christmas Edition. Or if you can approach such things with the intended humor. If not, you might not enjoy it, but if not, you probably don't read my blog because I would have upset you too much by now.

Due midnight, December 23rd are submissions for the Carnival of Christmas, which, like the holiday, comes but once per year. If you have some Christmas cheer to share, send it in. I'm thinking the carnival will be up here, but I'm not sure. At any rate, if I'm too busy visiting and feasting to update, you can keep track of the carnival here.

Loni over at Finding Joy in the Morning has a great carnival on Christmas traditions and recipes. MMM. I may have to print off a few recipes for later....

I couldn't find much on any of the other holidays of this time of year, and I'm not particularly keen on posting things which are directly pagan. Yes, I censor. It is my blog. But in general, I find all holiday traditions somewhat educational, and I always enjoy looking at different cultures. This isn't directly a holiday carnival, but is the thirteenth Kosher Cooking Carnival. Um, no latkes? Or did I miss them? Oh well, if you've never sampled this seasonal delicacy, you must. Here is the recipe we use. I knew of them as "Kartoffelpuffer" long before I realized the connection to Hannukah. But of course, Germans don't really connect Jewish heritage to their favorite food items. Even the good old bagel is sold as "an American baked good." And actually, the latke is a good demonstration of that bit about the oil not running out in the temple. You wouldn't believe how many more latkes you can make out of the dregs in the bottom that seem to cry out, "ok, this is the last batch."


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