Mississippi looks at increasing homeschool regulation
Mississippi has some of the most liberal homeschool laws in the nation, something state Superintendent of Education Hank Bounds would like to change. After all, while homeschoolers may point to famous homeschooled Americans such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Booker T. Washington and others, not every household has a George Washington in their tutelage.
Unfortunately, as state Superintendent of Education Hank Bounds notes, not every home environment is conducive for learning, nor are the motives pure of all those who claim homeschooling to evade compulsory attendance laws. Clarion Ledger
Can I change that a little?
"...not every school environment is conducive for learning, nor are the motives pure of all those who claim public schooling to evade the influence of the parents."
But let's not throw the baby out with the bath water, or so I've been told. Does that go for families that reportedly abuse the homeschooling laws, as well?

Ranking 48th in the nation, Mississippi hardly has room to talk about the qualifications of parents to teach their own children. But then, we are back to the socialization issue.
The question usually asked, after resolving issues of academics, regards socialization. Can home-schooled children cope with social pressures, people skills? More is learned in a classroom and school setting than A-B-Cs.
But that question has been answered, time and again. I suppose if you've been public schooled your whole life, you might need the information repeated...again.

And if you really begin to look into the issue of socialization, you might realize that it isn't quite what you think it is. And you might consider removing your children in order to avoid the effective socialization that public schools provide.

And CraftyMama is talking about the same article. Take a peek at her take.

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