A Little Shameless Self Promotion?
In a binder in my file cabinet, I have a growing collection of rejection slips from publishing companies I have kept. My first one is obviously a copy of a copy of a copy...and by the grainy, thick, gray print, I wouldn't be surprised if its earliest ancestor was one of those inky blue dittos. Whoever was responsible for running off copies did not even bother to be sure the "master" was on the copy machine straight. The one I received last week is quite a bit more professional. A postcard, neatly formatted, on which someone took the time to hand check the little box next to, "Does not meet our needs at this time." I was honored. I am looking forward to be rejected by them again in the future.

This week, I received something new. My article, "Developing an Educational Philosophy" was accepted for publication by Homeschool Enrichment Magazine. Prior to this, they had accepted my query and given me a deadline, so I was hopeful that the article would not be rejected once it arrived. OK, I'm always "hopeful" but this time I actually had reason to be hopeful. At least I knew the editor was interested in the topic. It came with a surprise, however. An actual article assignment. It is rather in depth and I am quite excited as well a bit nervous. I know what to do with a rejection slip. It gets filed neatly with its companions in my folder. I'm not as sure what to do with this email. Print it? Frame it? Maybe I should just file it behind the rejection slips.

It isn't exactly the only thing I have had published, but it was exciting to me. My first bit was a few captions in the magazine "HydroReview," a magazine about hydroelectric power. No, it's not an area of expertise for me. My mom met the editor waiting outside a doctor's office and they also had a son with ADHD and I ended up with an internship out of the deal. And I've had two blog entries included in books: Shout to the Lord, in Juggling With Hamsters by Jane Bullivant and Building Childhood Memories in The Gift of Family Writing by Jill Novak. Does any of it get me anything but the excitement of seeing myself in print? No. But it is still exciting in my little area of the world.

Other tidbits:

1) I updated my post on my educational philosophy. I forgot part of it. If you are interested in reading it, you can just scroll down to the sub-heading, "The Nature of Knowledge." The rest of it is the same.

2) If you haven't checked out the homeschool blogwatch over at HomeschoolBuzz, you should. It is a great way to discover a few blogs and see what people are talking about. I was very excited to be included along with several blogs I already read regularly!

3) A little late due to Blogger issues, but the Carnival of Homeschooling is up. Enjoy the selection!

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